85/100,1.2017年标记想看终于在2021年看完了“That's what I call Korean drama”,当初看韩剧的初心就是帅哥美女甜甜的恋爱这部剧就是这样授课到天亮chu 全集无删减动画岛没有其它花里胡哨的元素只有几个年轻人青梅竹马关于梦想的“天台爱情”2.韩剧拍这种爱情真的驾轻就熟了bgm各方面处理的非常娴熟女主角求职碰壁女二号以出嫁为梦想却梦想破灭之后的哭泣都非常让人共情两个“第三者”的形象虽然大部分时候很烦但是依然有可爱之处3.看到了《说说你们老公都是怎么搞你的》的郭时旸小哥哥客串之前《性饥渴少妇XXXⅩOOOO小说》就看到他了资质不错可惜不火#2021电视剧37
The idea of applying psychological analysis into profiling has its limits; it doesn't help either that Holden is somehow vindicated by the profile of a young black man as the main perpetrator. Evidence-based approach is more reliable than presupposed biases, but racial profiling is still going to be an eyesore.