6/12/2021 @ CC VictoriaWes Anderson教你如何將雜誌映像化構圖精緻ACG全彩绅士口工侵犯漫画只是問題在於真的雜誌可以反覆閱讀去慢慢消化理解但影像化後容易令觀眾觀影當刻信息量過載
You have no right to take the law in your hands.The rule of the law must be held high.And even it falls,you pick it up and hold it even higher.For all society,all civilized people,will have nothing to shutter them if it is destroyed.
对Ruth女儿的印象反而更深刻母女在路边等车的时候遭到旁边男性工人的语言调戏母亲说不搭理就好但女儿直直地走到工人们面前骂开了跟母亲说不能接受这种语言侮辱 在争取平权这件事上女儿说:“一件事情一百年都失败了所以人们就要放弃努力吗” 这种勇气大概便是When they go low,we go high.