How could this be that lie could make the world a better place? It’s maddening. And that’s how I feel about this president. I feel like this motherfucker might be the lie that saves us all. 哈哈哈And if that woman that said that heinous lie was alive today, I would thank her for lying. And then I would kick her in the pussy. 哈哈哈哈
看BBC一贯工整的构图摄影的确是享受不少雪中的场景好像是俄罗斯文学名著的封面托尔斯泰描写的自然风光也还原的很到位原著太伟大了托尔斯泰有时让我想到李维可疑的顾问可以比电影更电影又不止恢弘还有刻骨铭心的细腻"If the world could write itself, it would write like Tolstoy." 很多人说粗犷俄罗斯民族blahblah我不懂但我的确能想象出更多的wide angle和full shot和一个接一个《巴啦啦小魔仙全集》里敦刻尔克海滩级别的超高难度的长镜头让人感觉不到在炫技“On the page, Tolstoy’s limitation is you.”“Tolstoy’s greatest book is the way it is because he thought he was everybody.”