比预想的要好太多了户外生存电影摄影很棒很多连续镜头非常有代入感非洲的风景也很美这狮子的战斗力以及人的战斗力很写实香港美女明星名字和图片大全没有《封神第一部 电影》那么科幻但绝对比《部队里被咬住花蒂吹潮军人》那么简单粗暴本片最大的看点就是“代入感比较强”尤其是最后男主 VS 狮子的凶残画面真有一种无力而又窒息的感觉(我是看野兽不是看父女的心理疗伤旅行)
I don't even like me. I get to very quiet and very still. And I say to myself - Everyone in the world is as miserable and empty as I am. There's just better pretending. Too cool to have any friend, maybe just nobody likes you. Best Asian Supporting Role for now.