#剧集聚集# 306 头三集一直在划水,想弃剧第四集又能看了 现在眼里只有beth和rip其他人都是过场戏 Rip卖命一辈子,三件衣服一双鞋,挣的钱都干嘛了?给妈妈和弟弟做墓碑,以及把家暴的爹挫骨扬灰 Beth被打都好刚! Veep那句"be man up"啊哈哈,爱死了爱死了 我就不明白老二堂堂哈佛毕业的大律师,业务能力杠杠的在家爹不疼妹不爱,他干嘛就低三下四在这儿混啊,让去公棚就住公棚,图啥 老达顿的信真不错“i didn't have enough sons, they just keep dying or quitting. Then one day, not 2 long ago, i realized I have enough sons after all.”
金凯瑞真的好喜欢上帝是一身白色西装的黑人老头好有型在这个世界上白人警察救黑人rapper表示永远的词是很长很浪漫的总是能感动到我的 Forever and ever
"You never thought I could carry the show, did you?" TATSuch an intense, complicated and heartbreaking relationship in a beautifully-written script with those sparkling acting moments. Each episode alone, as well as all these ones together take the audience back to Fosse's movies and musicals just with his own artistic style, which is a perfect wa