My rating: 12. My Douban rating: 6 stars. I cried for the civil engineer. It definitely takes enormous effort to put together all the extraordinary features of a film like this masterpiece. Everything is perfect. The tribute at the end of the film is worth the extra 2 points.
当影片所有幽默因素集中在Homer这位老大粗身上时不禁感叹辛家的女人真不简单太太Marge聪明体贴冲进火里救出结婚录象(后面拿来留言的镜头更感人一点)包容Homer的自私、冷漠、粗神经在Homer说“I need you to do this with me."的时候和他站在了一起(虽然后来Homer又说这是他听过的最蠢的话)勇敢的带着孩子们去拯救springfield娶妻若此人生当无憾矣小美人Lisa是环保的先锋人物由此开始了一段美好初恋连咬着奶嘴的Maggi也不甘落后没收了Ba