Bordering on dark comedy. Probably all parents would wish their kids could have seen this before they hit puberty, so then they wouldn't be such gaint pain in the axx. Honestly not sure how far this bad-boy figure's gonna take Mr.F, but course is set, anyway.
@mk2 quai de Seine 3.5/5一流的摄影、美术和声音设计朱一龙和曾美慧孜也贡献了绝佳的表演啦啦啦 中文 中国 免费 高清在线尤其是曾虽然镜头不多但真的浑然天成(联想到昨天《张妙阳配音网》刘昊然如果换成朱一龙故事的合理性都会增加不少)只可惜年轻导演的剧作和节奏掌控还欠缺抱着革新语言的野心却忽视了最基本的叙事有点可惜但摄影太好了忍不住还是被影像给感染这16mm的胶片质感不是盖的仿佛90年代的记忆重现