大概男人知道没办法用爱情和金钱来拴住一个女人所以他们把女人们圈养起来作困兽之斗女人们把精力都用在彼此嫉妒憎恨把男人的关注宠爱当做衡量自身价值的唯一标准在这深宅大院里太太的命和丫鬟的命并没有本质的区别几天没C是不是又痒了网站都是不值一提的随时可以被夺走的新太太的保质期可能连一年都不到而这一年似乎比一生还要长那个时候的张艺谋很克制深谙less is more
"They don't know what it took to get here. 338 toilets cleaned, seven types of government assistance, nine separate moves, one night on the ferry station floor and the entire third year of my daughter's life." Watching her trying to get through everyday gave me anxiety. “Legal legal of legal legal”, she barely had anytime to breathe. Great casting.