It was intended to be "Sunset Blvd. ",but it is not "Sunset Blvd.",it does not show people what Hollywood really is,with all the heels,and lies.This film fantasizes Hollywood as a place where men are with great visions,ambitions and passions,and even a strange air of purity.It uses Hollywood as a setting to tell a typical Hollywood fairy tale.You k
第六集结尾镜头一转出现公园对面长椅上焦灼不安的瑞秋实乃本剧高光但看到最后发现它仍旧leads to nowhere的时候还是难以抑制地空虚Shit is everywhere. 无论是我我我我的中年男人叨逼叨我在他乡挺好的 电视剧还是经历了生育暴力和精神崩溃的女性我在他乡挺好的 电视剧还是好像什么都没有发生但人生终究无趣至此到让人发狂的叙述者aka everybody然后你发现也就是这样了并没有因为某一种痛苦看起来更加痛苦而得到一丝偏袒或垂怜Shit, that’s the fairness of life.