First Kill was released more than 10 years after the original. The actress is now in her mid-20s and looks nothing like a child but they somehow made it work. It can't cope up with its predecessor though. Isabelle Fuhrman and Julia Stiles both delivered impressive performances
前半段好过后半段用少数族裔的演员来演一个原型基本都是白人的历史故事和音乐元素的颠覆性非常切题用当代人来讲过去的故事觉得还是一个广角镜头拍全程就好了让观众自己去体会层次感镜头没有规律的切到中景和特写很多时候反而把音乐本身的节奏打断了这种个人与时代命运纠结在一起的舞台剧其实还是用广角看两者的交融有意思一旦镜头切近了就反而戳破了泡泡迪士尼顺便把King George III变成了旗下最傲娇的公主也真是够了