miserable is something you let it pass,not something you pass it to your children. no matter how much you hate your parents , you'll become them eventually. there is no getting away
2013/10/21 作为RWF的第一部长片虽然很不成熟但是个人印记强烈女人艾滋病最明显特征还是值得一看的多少看到了后期作品的雏形(比如我很喜欢的一场戏Joanna躺在地上Bruno站在她身边的那个场景构图基本就是Petro van Kant最后一幕的简单版)Franz和Bruno之间的情感表达得强烈而隐晦有一种沉默中的张力
场面调度大师每一段的室内对话对峙戏都拍得令人捏把汗最后是这段判词放在2022今天的徐州依然适用“The founding fathers gave the freedom of press. The protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to server the governed, not the governors.”