our job is not to trick them or manage them or make them fall in line, our job is to offer refuge from the bullshit, to level with them. if you're hoping that just by getting rid of him you're gonna stop what's going on outside, they gonna see right through that. 每种对民粹的迎合哈法欧尼都是在操弄和贬低人本身
看完才觉得这个本子要改编成功真不是件容易事每个角色其实都单薄的要命包括主角自己这真是有点浪费Octavia Spencer, Kate Winslet还有Naomi Watts这些演技派影片只专注于讲述这个体系却丝毫没有在内核、思考中深入总结下来就是靠没有深度的台词串起来的一个个吊炸天的特效(Peter这个角色设定编剧你自己信吗)