不太适应新的选角感觉女王就真的只是女王了人的一面尽失但确实"In a way, your absence of emotion is a blessing. No one needs hysteria from a head of state. And the truth is, we barely need humanity." But humanity, my greatest blessing, is always with me, so I still shed my tears over one episode after another, despite the many things I don't really like about this season.
这一季可能因为Olivia Colman的关系所有演员都感觉好萌啊 首相好萌查尔斯好萌女王两姐妹最后一集的情感拿捏都太到位了 爱这季最喜欢的故事是查尔斯去威尔士的那集 整个故事非常完整 几条线冲突融合首尾呼应的非常好而且感觉这个剧像在给查尔斯“洗白” 其实也不是 就是更能理解他 站在他的立场上来想这一切的话就真的还是挺同情他的另外几集里贯穿的关于信仰的也很棒 细细想来 how true it is 其实真的是要信仰才能支撑人活下去吧