正在更年期的Snape教授遭遇平行宇宙中从未遇到过Lily的少年Severus麻瓜的爱慈与怜悯是什么狗屁无聊的东西黑(爵)魔(士)法(乐)才是救赎pure&&great == beautiful. #I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death# 节奏太好#冷黑一记摇滚乐黑得漂亮#
Zugzwang是个好术语 indubitably无疑 rumpus喧嚣吵闹 Faith bestowed.要有信心 besmirched玷污 hang you from the yardarm帆桁 wring cash捞钱 steely principles钢铁原则 purview权限 proverbial出名的众所周知的 bifurcation of roles角色划分 rendition演绎 rendition him back引渡 piranha食人鱼 puritanical mores保守道德 propitious thing有利的情况 sheik酋长 You are not relent.不会手软 entice诱使 antics愚蠢伎俩 feld荒原