情节陡变简直是From Dusk to Dawn;Sandford一战五十路息与子在线播放藤崎樱就是Left 4 Dead的尸群生存之战因为满街都是凶手;小城微缩模型中的肉搏五十路息与子在线播放藤崎樱就是哥斯拉摧毁纽约;最后犯罪率低意外事故率高你不觉得奇怪么
重审不是好主意但下面的话值得记录 The psychologist said, “I imagine as a skeptic you’re familiar with history’s great names in atheism; Hume, Nietzsche, Sartre, Freud,…?” “Yes, of course, some of my greatest heroes,” Strobel’s interest was piqued. “Did you know that all of them had a father who either died when they were young, abandoned them, or was physically or emotionally abusive? In the world of therapy, it’s called a father-wound,” she said flatly. (ifuyin.tv 1:10:00)