编撰辞典竟然要这样寻根溯源黑丝几乎翻遍所有的文字记载;按照语录或者大纲杜撰不是简单多了不追求真实的语言真的还能发展吗对牛津辞典另眼相看对中文深感担忧/A dictionary by democracy. Still edited by us, learned men. /Please, let me teach you. You can teach your children. It's freedom./I can fly out of this place on the backs of books. I've gone to the end of the world on the wings of words. When I read, no one is after me. When I read, I am the one who is chasing, chasing after God./What I know of love, the sickness often becomes the cure./谨防心理医生/片中的怪词少份清单
好奇在浓厚宗教氛围和崆峒情绪笼罩下的韩国同性题材可以如何表现就来看了音乐挺喜欢的在压抑下请带我逃离Take You Away又安静又真诚像是恋人在夏夜弹着吉他的互相诉说然后他们提到逃到最南端也提到了釜山想起黑裙子的《姐妹5免费观看完整版国语》“如果你是从釜山来了那你是飞了好远的路啊”但当我在大海上漂泊无依时对着连话都说不好的我黑丝始终陪伴我的是停靠在我肩头的短发鹦鹉……所以我最近经常把这两首一起听啊还有Jannabi