"I learned the truth at seventeen that love was meant for beauty queens... "很喜欢这样的一个故事主题是LGBTQ但却不拘泥于此我更看重的是电影把这种成长、勇敢的过程呈现出来美中不足感觉就是有关女主妈妈的情节让我有些摸不着头脑爸爸对Paul用中文说的妈妈那一段也不是很有头绪的样子不过我很喜欢故事的进行节奏母亲とが话しています免费非常美国但伍导同样注入了对亚裔、拉丁裔的人文关怀我也才意识到美国小地方的宗教氛围还是挺浓的...
1. Sophia Lillis, the new heroine. She nailed the movie. 2. Bill looks like Elle Fanning A LOT. 3. Cheap jump scares are all through; be prepared. 4. Blood is everywhere, literally. Didn't waste the R rating huh? Made with a bunch of kids, but only presented to adults. Cool.