每一条留学狗都累啥样儿了编剧知道吗我们要学托福要靠SAT or ACT 要考名校还要学SAT2和AP还要学好学校的功课编剧真的有做好功课吗留学一年二十万不止最起码需要三十万家庭条件不好真的是个障碍讲真女朋友好瘦我的又很大怎么办这个剧看了一点共鸣都没有希望编剧在创作的时候先做好自己的功课再说呵呵
wield more ability 魔女 witch miss banks special name die of boredom i take that as a no then children and dogs r not cut out for gardening here is ur picnic frizzy red hair 炸毛 white as sheet plain as nose indigestion we stand on the cusp of magic history this is the last straw I can't stand it anymore