#TIFF2022#真的是once in a lifetime dining experience,电影的质感和mise-en-scene所展现的aesthetics都散发一种奇幻的诡异感.一开始以为是米其林版的Saw,然而全片真正血腥镜头一只手也数的出来所谓社会讽刺也比较流于表面好在电影本身根据一道道“美食”联系起来的节奏很好而Anya Taylor绮丽中带有的神秘气息也和镜头产生了足够的化学反应细细推敲Ralph Fiennes饰演的chef其实缺乏进一步的挖掘可是最后cult献祭般的“仪式“也说明了毁灭本身也可以是一种pretentious的美丽
Great scripts for sure. 大段文学性日记念白跟原声自然声混合在一起相得益彰 “We hold our friendship between us and study it, as if it were the incomplete map of our escape.” "I am a library without books, a sea of fear, agitation and want. " "I worry you'll catch my cold." "You smell like a biscuit." 16mm电影让人想起节奏很慢的第一头牛The World to Come文绉绉的风格配上16mm反倒更能看进去一点故事讲得平庸视角挺女性化的kirby好绝