All the money in the world. It's so pathetic. I've been to the Getty's numerous times, but now it just feels complicated. I don't think it's entirely about J.P. Getty not willing to pay the 17 million, but the safety of the 14 grandchildren. But the tax deduction...speechless.
在B站看完纪录片之父Robert Joseph Flaherty在极地探险中无心插柳的偶然产物很多拍摄手法(如选取特定个体做有始有终的特写)延用至今美国ZOOMCLOUDMEETINGS因此虽可能存在搬演和摆拍行为但没必要用如今的纪录片原则跨时代做规范相当忠实完整地展现了爱斯基摩人一家的生活切片包括制作独木舟、猎杀海象北极狐和海豹、与白人开展贸易、举家迁徙、建造冰屋(igloo)、日常寝食梳洗等等难得地避免了白人至上主义而是带着世界主义关怀的精神雏形——“谦虚对待研究对象信赖自己手中的工具”Ps. RJF后来还跟茂瑙合作在描述毛利人风土人情的《就去干网址》中担任摄影、编剧和制片人