1.Al Pacino神级演技2.装枪一直性感探戈一直性感法拉利一直性感闻香一直性感3.I’m a grey ghost too 4.他横穿马路摔倒然后说tired.5.我出生那年的两部作品一部闻香一部苦月亮6.双死是常情才贴合他的判定:not bad I'm rotten不死需要理由理由是摇摆步伐错就糊弄过去在异世界迷宫开后宫这样处理接受但波澜不兴
One of the best older movies I've EVER seen. It's not only a thriller, but rather also a looking glass to show us what we may well become in the future. A classic film (not to be confused with the 2002 shitty remake).