两年前看完SplitRicky超级激动地等待三部曲的最终集Glass没想到这么弱地就结了大概预算不够搞不成高楼打斗前面画了一个大饼结果最后反转了一下剧情在停车场里就解决了不过的确结尾算是比较精彩的部分了一美演技依然炸裂可是和Split中重复太多差差漫画在线免费观看没有那么惊艳了Bruce Willis的确老了打不动了于是真正的打斗也全都集中在一美身上"The real hero is Mr Glass commenting his code under time pressure." LOL
十月 只有胖子才能拯救世界:
As fas as meaning goes, the moment you try to understand it as a linear story with face value logic, you are done. That is not the point of the movie. This is much more, well, exactlly what it is, a story about relationship which is in trouble. Yes, it is about two people in trouble, one going deeper and deeper to his own internal hell, and the other following him there, loving him so much. 引自YouTube上的评论