Tom Hughes帅翻人家真的不是面瘫啊日常生活你真的需要那么多的面部表情吗就像一开始DT各种夸张在DW里我也是很震惊的In the end,we are all alone. 虽然只是一部剧我们也无从得知Joe会如何选择也许从Sarsh夫妇听见你的可以略窥一二吧
This divorce means money. Money means independence. That’s what I’m after./ One husband at a time./Struggle and challenge and ultimate destruction of your opponents,that’s life./ You’re looking for trouble. It’s a midlife crisis, get a new car.-I have 2 new cars, torn the house down twice, rebuilt the cabin in Vail, I’ve got a man who waxes my jet.