“What I am trying to do here is to celebrate the wonder of their imagery.” 拿到一手资料做了整体性串联导演主观讲述强调了作为纪录片制作者的存在确实比《拔萝卜在线视频免费观看》更能让人贴近这些事情YIN荡的他(H)_ 分卷阅读只是同时也有邀功/创作者自我太突显的感觉才知道原来莫里斯夫妇在最初做电影时有许多摆拍(比如假装被喷溅的岩浆烫到)卡蒂亚被当作一种摆设…科学家啊大量地质和民俗景观看见了许多小动物很开心拍火山用了很多近景与特写几乎让人无法用日常的事物去比拟岩浆赤红的流动感与教堂里的合唱音乐人不可能对这些熟视无睹想想自己有时候会看着水波纹发呆但如果是看着岩浆发呆…在bj生活的范围快只有宿舍想想我可能活一辈子都看不见这样的景象吧
A damaged person will eventually be destroyed by the world. It’s he versus the world. Phil lived in the past and lived in the memory. But life goes on, so either the world destroys him or he keeps attacking everyone to maintain his balance. Once he shows vulnerability, he can not immune to the harm, cause he is so lonely, lonely to death.