感谢豆瓣活动感动真足啊:重见安迪加西亚气质高挑又毒辣的芭伦斯基美貌穿越时空的梅丽尔气场与演技俱佳的阿曼达还有全场最佳abba回忆灿若云霞美到众咖都要让位没有了主角——不仅几位大叔甘做绿叶青年们也被遮得严实一言不合就跳舞奶油调色300%音量满屏荷尔蒙与成年迪斯尼的幻梦高强度高密度地轰击着一级感官本以为粗糙肤浅还有穿帮的演技偷窥无罪是青年不愿go one extra mile的一蟹不如一蟹其实这种重享受重票房的大环境也限制了青年演员的发挥与成长吧可是若这样说杰克吉伦哈尔、汤姆哈迪这般优秀演员又作何解呢讲到底这里也是一个高尔顿钉板啊
All this has happened before, and it will all happen again. But this time it happened in London. It happened on a quiet street in Bloomsbury. That corner house over there is the home of the Darling family. And Peter Pan chose this particular house because there were people here who believed in him.