接上条和上上条当然亚历山大和Hephaestion的地步谁攻谁受何种关系还重要么本片总是被大家拿来和天国王朝一样吐槽我其实颇不解天国王朝完全偏离了史实而且是平庸了这部大致符合历史对人物也有比较细致的刻画记得一段对白亚历山大:“我会一直在你身边哪怕马其顿要失去它的国王哪怕要到阴曹地府我也随你而去”Hephaestion:“我也会”历史上从地中海到印度洋二人始终并肩作战最后亚历山大几乎是刚给Hephaestion办完葬礼就跟着他步入黄泉这才是I will follow you into the dark. 而本人的ex们人禽交 欧美 网站是制造了dark. 上帝啊就算我一生遇不上真爱也再不要陷于这些理想和现实南辕北辙的滑稽剧掉入这些五光十色又千篇一律的陷阱
It's hard to fight against a decadent mind, especially do it alone. I really admire the courage of Mrs. Florence, who took a lot of guts to open a bookshop and introduce the best novel of same period to a small town, where, however, the local people rejected this renaissance. Although Mrs. Florence had to leave to end the competition with malign locals, she've already rendered to her lovely bookkeeper her passion about books and courage to face the malice. If I had a chance, I would like to have a bookshop of my own, though, cos "No one ever feels alone in a bookshop".