Not a satire, certainly not a shitshow either, just an honest representation of how corruptive and exploitative the industry is. Its extensive, unreserved use of nudity and sexual scenes doesn't stop at being scandalous but go past it to urge the audience to avert their gaze. Showing something is not equal to being something - it can be the exact opposite. Showgirls accomplished this simply by being honest - no preaching, no evasions - the way it's handled is so succinct and effortless it's marvelous to see. And the fact that the leading actress was subsequently dropped by her agent and rejected by others - isn't that the most powerful and ironic vindication of how true the film actually is?
全剧基本放弃了犯罪和动作影片的快节奏剪辑和特效克制的煽情为数不多的打戏都带着写实的沉重像胸口压着石头导演似乎想完全以故事吸引观众书信解密倒叙回忆和小剧场成为了串联剧情的重心黑暗圣经OVA因此这一切也注定这部剧不可能有传统的全程高能或者爽感Anyway, it's still worth it. "This shit really happened."真相永远比虚构作品更加荒诞、残忍、冷酷