终于哭着把它给看完了啊今年到现在看过最最最最好看的一部了答应我不拍到拿欧冠就不要结束好吗结合我刺纪录片和这剧一起看真的是太绝了喜爱夜蒲1最后1:1庆祝结果瞬间被反超真的是……瞬间想起叔让我刺那帮崽立马开球别墨迹真的细节决定成败熟悉的东西太多了真的全程看得又哭又笑~ Football is life~!!!第二季走起啊
Jim: I agree with you that in love a couple is not ideal. You only have to look around. You wanted to invent something better by rejecting hypocrisy and resignation. You wanted to invent love. But pioneers must be humble and unselfish. We must face the truth. We failed. We made a mess of everything.