like seriously thought that Shia labeouf would be able to carry on appearing in some fun action flicks, but this one was not that entertaining. it has some fun entertaning moments in the latter part of the film, but overall one can definitely sense that the film is rather a low budget film which one is not able to have too much anticipation for.
对打一星和打四星的朋友们都非常理解达福演技出神入化完全是坚强又脆弱的画家本人和那群孩子的冲突以及出逃asylum要给过路少女画像也都非常细腻第一视角运镜也值得夸赞(虽然真的晃到吐...)然而只能当同人看“祛魅”的方向毫无问题却全无historical context:a new way of seeing没错但Gauguin瞧不起Seurat是在逗我最后自比耶稣、张口闭口eternity这些身处时代之中根本不可能说得出的话就更扯淡了说到底无非是another imagined Vincent木乃伊归来2还是蛮可惜的