I'm putting a spell on you...[sizzling...] Everything I do, it's not a choice. It's always a matter of necessity. I call it honesty, which is the most precious thing for me. And this is not a choice either. This is instinct. If free is no fear, I think I'm on my way.
“When we empathize with a psychopath, we actually negate the self. We deny our own beliefs about decency and humanity.” 人家花了两年拍我们花了一天看完-我看了想约会-我看了跟犯人的对话就想起小时候一起长大的邻居男孩我们有好几个暑假每天一起去泡图书馆讨论千万个未解之谜一起看柯南他教我在他家阳台上捉弄路过的其他人我带他去楼顶打雪仗两个人在一起总有一筐说不完的废话有看不完的新书他后来去学了心理学长大了去做了监狱心理咨询的狱警后来我父母去参加他的婚礼他的新娘说认识我说我是她的高中偶像