Change is a part of nature, and I am not. 机械兄长眨眼一生Jodie Foster导演的最后一集实在太好;Ti West导演的荒岛怪兽则延续了古早味弗兰肯斯坦的浪漫;回音岁月萤火硬币铁拳护卫父亲守护这两集也挺不错;但剩下的几个故事感觉只有精致的平庸新瓶旧酒;整体看来与其说是什么软科幻不如说是北欧味的忧伤童话
We surely need this dynamism on campus and in lit. 学生和Bill的对峙、K&B在听证会的发言太精彩了当我们不再使用那些过时的象征殖民主义、种族主义、性别主义的意象当我们能为了教育与人权本身发言与战斗时这才是一个值得的地方"Those are students. Our job is not to trick them or manage them or make them fall in line. Our job is to offer refuge from the bullshit, to level with them. Why should they trust us? The world is burning."