1931拍這個...... 不愧是 Fritz Lang❤ 最後一幕黑幫審問畫面黑幫扮家家酒又是聽眾辯護律師法官的隱 喻 納粹❤ 隱喻的很好.
ツ 小神仙:
四季里最精彩的一季本以为第二季的结尾 Rosa 开车扬长而去已经是最燃没想到第四季的结尾 Kaya 举枪更是燃到炸裂最后两集提升了不少高度期待第五季秋霞电影网越来越好的剧集都不能错过人性的描写权利的扭曲感觉比任何美剧都好看啊我疯了
We are introduced to the murder in shadow when he speaks to a young girl, Elsie. We hear the conversation he makes with her, but we see only his shadow, which is ironically shown on a reward poster for his capture.