They say they built the train track over the Alps between Vienna and Venice before there was a train that could make the trip.They built it anyway.They knew that one day the train would come.Any arbitrary turning along the way,and I would be elsewhere,I would be different.Unthink
非常喜歡攢了很久的一部片子終於在第三次前往Tuscany前看掉了每一幅都是自己走過的風景特別有共鳴拍的很美卻毫不做作愛情故事為主線卻輕描淡寫很輕鬆很快樂很正能量的一部電影特別喜歡那一段 “They built the train over the Alps between Vienna and Venice even before there was a train in exist that could make the train, but they built it anyway.They know one day the train would come”