#被海报吸引的影片# 镜头如诗、色调如画既有贴近生活的朴素之感、又隐含一股诡谲难言的超现实气息……耐人寻味的一部深度好片看介绍才知道是米哈尔科夫他亲哥的作品抖阴这个家族精英辈出相当厉害了…… ps. 片中反复出现的小艇斜穿平静水面泛起层层涟漪(即海报定格一幕)的画面实在太美
Not sure I understand the critic indifference toward the film. It's not one that I want to revisit anytime soon, but also not one that I will forget anytime soon. Hit on many good notes depicting the life of two perfectly fine people with ambition and qua