有点像艾伦伍兹的电影大量对白+长镜+特写复古的画面和BGM金句频出结尾有点出人意料但又显得平淡超多大咖Andrea Riseborough还是最爱Christian Bale还是一样敬业"Dead man makes you realize time is short and love is real, if you know what it is." "True love is based on choice, not need" "Maybe you spent enthusiasms and urgencies you didn't know you were wasting until it was too late. You ended up without a chair by the time the music ends, even in your own home."
攝影還是很合格的天天想你免费看西瓜视频是Jean Louis Vialard代表的是法國的水平功勞也在歐洲審美上所以基本上和亞洲甚至台灣關係不大李鸿其演的挺好不過有很多地方還是用力過猛這似乎是他的大優點但也是大弱點何蔚庭很重視光影但是故事並沒有說好對白也常常讓人覺得出離是一部自我風格化理念在先的敘事類型但硬傷真的有點多