See you again~ 舒子便不由想起圣埃克苏佩里笔下的小王子 1900与之何其不同却又神似 一个是遨游太空并在蛇口帮助下“离开”地球返回B612 一个是终身不登陆地与船长眠 陪伴小王子的大概只有那玫瑰那狐狸那飞行员 懂点1900的大概只有贼眉鼠眼的小号手和那个女孩吧 两者的本质都是孤独的 于是 无论是《吃了他达拉非太硬还需要继续吃吗》亦或本片 看完之后不禁带着淡淡的伤感 偶尔忆起 不乏泪落
He wanted to know if he was capable of committing an evil act in contradistinction to what his fate and his nature tell him to do; Raymond specifically decides to do the exact opposite of what he would normally do, to go against his instincts.