Their friendship was very sound. True, they were different. One sang, the other didn’t. Yet they were alike. They’d fought to gain the happiness of being a woman.
Emma 让所有人失望 开放关系 平和的假象 前夫 足够drama之后的片刻温情 然后 继续冷漠 相互替代 反复忘记 Laura 激烈地报复 以他人的悲伤为食 感到抱歉但从不道歉 孩子在等一句对不起 父母在等一句谢谢 却不可得 sense of deja vu 记忆幻觉 似曾相识 Leon I'm the asshole who shows up when he needs something. And you are too nice to tell me to leave.