If you only got love for your own race, then you'are gonna leave space for others to discriminate. And to discriminate only generates hate. (Lyrics from Where is the Love by Black Eyed Peas) 以宗教狂热之名策劃實施的恐怖活動釀人間慘劇警方和反恐的救援能力和響應不夠是個硬傷 酒店應急避難所/秘密通道或許應該升級 和外界媒體交換一手資料求援本意是好 媒體直播報道出來也是喪盡天良 差點團滅 Arjun 最後還能自主駕車回家團聚 凡人視角的美好平靜的生活 有你的地方便是家穆斯林女那段禮拜辭 關鍵時刻保住了性命 當然她願可以選擇相信Chef 堅持到最後被營救寰宇同此炎涼 不是所有的雪花都可以勇闖天涯
"(....)There is a presence of something which I call God, but I don't want to show it too much. I prefer to make people feel it. "布列松对待God的方式出奇地禅意很东方一部影迷电影