I've no idea how to comment this movie, it's a biography of a free soul's short life so as to a film. a novelist succeeded young, a manipulating mother killed his son, an idealist wife died in vain, a competitor played the role of exclusive, every thing seemed to be contrived, while every thing was inevitable. this was a tragedy, more sad than any tragedy before, 'cause it was us. 7.5
He is Clyde Barrow and I'm Bonnie Parker.We rob banks;-You ain't going to have one minute's peace.-You promise?比起后来翻拍也好致敬也罢的《А√天堂中文在线资源BT在线》这对是真正的侠盗
可是我老觉得老湿不是heath……==|| 都是98版太洗脑的错……
Masterpiece!!! 作为反文化运动的先驱邦尼和克莱德不仅仅是完成了一次对好莱坞传统正义、英雄、成功等好莱坞乐观主义形象的颠覆与结构更重要的是成功地塑造出了标新立异、自我解放、原始欲望迸发的个人主义英雄形象让“反文化”艺术革命与“反文化”政治革命一样振聋发聩“我们开始时本以为会有所作为但现在我们在漂泊” 可是当我们为了反叛而逃离社会的时候我们便自我疏远了社会А√天堂中文在线资源BT在线这种从一种焦虑转变为了另一种焦虑的解决方式不但不利于解决个人主义自身的问题反到给予了消费主义乘虚而入的机会But it's not just the death for Bonnie and Clyde. It's also the death for Individualism and Liberalism……