#Love that*Burns fast but LastsForever~#多棱角切面_情节来映射~光影_运用抽帧与剪影的效果·怪诞觉J.Binoche那时美的不浸染尘世~又有丝忧愁感&片尾那美国女人克制又内敛激烈的情感"熏陶"有时非得*极端才能感知到"爱情"么?(特写跳切) 此片挺故作姿态! 科幻/悬疑?~很多片段_生扳硬凑`不知所云*
Smear spread out in the film everywhere, not only from soldiers, but also a kid. Somewhat feels like the director was indicating that Germans were monsters, but you Ruskis were no better than them. Apart from ideological conflict, the story is quite dull and cliche except sex scenes…