Old school, with classic themes of the human/demon world. Sex is also an omnipresent theme, sometimes it's even disturbing. Polished plans, nice kitschy music, with a big and appreciated turnover in an average scenario. But the dialogues are plain and main character sucks.
#TIFF220912 全程降噪式观影体验极致整洁、静谧、一尘不染的医院和kind and generous 的good nurse同时存在也难怪你放松警惕八段式”I can’t “堪称教科书式飙演技小雀斑not 小雀斑anymore两位出色演技真的很made this film最后shout out to the Amy !!!TIFF也太会这种人间有真情人间有真爱的戏码了